
General information: First Jewish presence: 1503; peak Jewish population: 378 in 1823; Jewish population in 1933: 35
Summary: Huettenbach was home to a synagogue in the early 17th century, the first known record of which is dated 1619. The 17th-century community inaugurated a new synagogue in 1689 (enlarged in 1706). Local Jews built yet another synagogue, on Hauptstrasse, in 1844 (renovated in 1886). It was during the early 19th century, too, that a Jewish school was opened in Huettenbach; there, Jewish pupils attended classes until 1921. The community maintained its own mikveh, but conducted burials in Schnaittach. In 1933, two children studied religion in Huettenbach. Later, on Pogrom Night, SA men broke into the synagogue, burned the Torah scrolls and ritual objects and set fire to the building, nearly burning it to the ground. The ruins were later demolished, and a garden was planted on the site. Two-thirds of the village’s Jews left before Pogrom Night. Twelve Jews still lived in Huettenbach on Pogrom Night, half of whom managed to escape that day. Approximately one week later, the municipal authorities confiscated the homes and properties of the few remaining Jews, after which (on November 28, 1938) they, too, fled. On November 29, an official ceremony was held to celebrate the village’s new “Jewfree” status. At least ten Huettenbach Jews died in the Shoah. The school building was later converted into an apartment building.
Author / Sources: Yaakov Borut
Sources: AJ, FGW, PK BAV
Located in: bavaria