
General information: First Jewish presence: 1685; peak Jewish population: 73 in 1858; Jewish population in 1933: 40
Summary: By 1742, the Jewish community of this small village had consecrated a cemetery in a forest clearing called In den Judenkirchhofschlaegen, which was located approximately four miles from Langenlonsheim. Records from 1823 mention a Jewish prayer hall, and we also know that in or around 1860, four years after purchasing the land, the community inaugurated a synagogue on Hintergasse; the building accommodated 50 male worshipers and a women’s gallery. In 1895, the Jews of neighboring Bretzenheim and Laubenheim were affiliated with the Langenlonsheim community. Langenlonsheim was home to 40 Jewish residents in 1933; six Jews lived in Laubenheim. Later, on Pogrom Night (November 1938), the synagogue’s interior—the walls, doors, windows and floor—was destroyed; furniture and silver ritual objects were stolen. In April 1940, the building was sold at a greatly reduced price. Although some Langenlonsheim Jews managed to emigrate from Germany, most relocated within the country. In 1939, five Jewish families still resided in the village. Langenlonsheim’s last three Jews were deported in 1942. At least 20 Jews originally from Langenlonsheim and two from Laubenheim perished in the Shoah. In 1958, the former synagogue was demolished to create space for the construction of a new building.
Author / Sources: Heidemarie Wawrzyn