General information: First Jewish presence: 1690: peak Jewish population: 217 in 1821; Jewish population in 1933: 67
Summary: Four Jewish families lived in Rahden in 1690, but it was only
during the 18th century that a Jewish community developed
there. In 1852, the Jews of Rahden built a synagogue whose
premises also accommodated classrooms for a Jewish school.
From the 1920s onwards, many
Jews left Rahden as a result of
economic hardship. On Pogrom
Night, when only 34 Jews still lived
there, the synagogue was burned
down. At the site, now a parking lot,
a memorial plaque commemorates the
destroyed synagogue.
Of the 34 Jews who witnessed
Pogrom Night in Rahden, most left
during the early years of the war, mostly
for other towns or cities in Germany.
On July 28, 1942, three local Jews were
deported. Most of the Jews who left the
town after Pogrom Night were later
deported to the camps.
Author / Sources: Harold Slutzkin
Sources: EJG, LJG, SG-NRW
Sources: EJG, LJG, SG-NRW
Located in: north-rhine-westphalia