General information: First Jewish presence: 1903; peak Jewish population: unknown; Jewish population in 1933: unknown
Summary: Suedlohn’s first Jewish family settled there in 1803, after
which a Jewish community grew rapidly. During the years
1856 to 1880, Suedlohn, which is part of the nearby town
of Stadtlohn, belonged to the regional Jewish congregation
of Ahaus. The community regained its independent status
in 1880.
From 1856 onwards, local Jews maintained their own
synagogue. The building—records suggest that it was used as a barn before 1856—was located in a narrow alley between
the marketplace and the town’s north wall. The modest
synagogue consisted of one room only, with a small staircase
leading to the women’s gallery.
The synagogue’s interior was destroyed on the night of
November 10, 1938; tables, chairs, ritual objects, books and
documents were set on fire in the marketplace. The severely
damaged synagogue building was demolished soon after the
pogrom. At the Jewish cemetery—the site was desecrated
during the pogrom—gravestones were plundered in 1942.
Twenty-five Suedlohn Jews perished during the Shoah.

Photo: People sitting at the rear of the synagogue of Suedlohn. Courtesy of: E. Brunzel/City Archive of Suedlohn
Author / Sources: Ruth Martina Trucks
Sources: SG-NRW, SIA, YV
Sources: SG-NRW, SIA, YV
Located in: north-rhine-westphalia