General information: First Jewish presence: 1104; peak Jewish population: 800 in 1928; Jewish population in 1933: 669
Summary: The Jewish community of Koblenz was annihilated during
the Black Death pogroms of 1348/49. Although Jews
resettled in Koblenz at some point after the pogroms, they
were expelled from the town in 1418, and it was not, in fact,
until 1518 that a lasting Jewish presence was established
there. The community of the Middle Ages maintained houses
of worship and a cemetery, the latter of which was consecrated
in 1303 and later used by the modern community.
Many prominent rabbis lived in or were associated with
Koblenz, including Yair Chaim Bacherbach (1638-1702),
the renowned rabbi and scholar.
In 1702, the community inaugurated a synagogue on
the Kleine Judengasse (“small Jewish alley”). Later, in 1851,
a new synagogue (renovated in 1923) was established at
13 Florinsmarkt; located in a complex of buildings known
as the Buerresheimer Hof, the new synagogue housed the
rabbi’s living quarters, the Jewish school and two health
clinics. Koblenz Jews also employed a teacher/chazzan, a
synagogue caretaker and a shochet.
In 1933, several Jewish associations and branches of nationwide
Jewish organizations were active in the community, with
which the Jews of Metternich, Ehrenbreitstein, Pfaffendorf,
Guels and Horchheim were affiliated.
The synagogue’s interior was destroyed on Pogrom Night,
as were ritual objects, 40 Jewish homes and 19 Jewish-owned
businesses. The cemetery was desecrated, and approximately
100 Jewish men were sent to Dachau, where two died.
In 1939, 308 Jews still lived in the town, most of whom
were deported to the East in 1942/43. At least 224 Koblenz
Jews perished in the Shoah.
The synagogue building—it was used by the municipality
during the war—was destroyed during a wartime bombing
raid. The building was later renovated as a library, in which
a memorial room to Koblenz’s former Jewish community
has been established. Another memorial was erected in the
cemetery in 1947.
A new Jewish community emerged in Koblenz in 1948.
In 1961/62, a community center and prayer hall were built
at 5 Schlachthofstrasse.
Author / Sources: Heike Zaun Goshen
Sources: AJ, EJL, FJG
Sources: AJ, EJL, FJG
Located in: rhineland-palatinate